Painless and Fast Permanent Laser Hair Removal at Elevate MD

Laser Hair Removal

Are you frustrated with spending your time tirelessly waxing, plucking, shaving, and tweezing? Have you considered laser hair removal, but are hesitant because you are unsure of what your experience with the laser will be like or if you have the right skin for it?

Cutting-edge laser technology like the Motus AX laser may be the answer to your woes! This exciting laser has a unique wavelength combination to allow for the comfortable treatment of all skin types and hair colors.

What Is the Motus AX?
Motus AX by DEKA is a unique laser technology that safely and effectively treats a variety of skin and hair types for laser hair removal. The one-of-a-kind wavelength used by this laser allows for the treatment of fine and light hair, whereas most lasers are only effective for dark hair.

Additionally, it is also effective for darker skin tones, while most lasers are most effective only on lighter skin types.

Am I a Good Candidate?
One of the most amazing aspects of the Motus AX is it is safe and effective for all skin tones and hair types. Many laser options only effectively treat lighter skin tones and darker hair colors, but not this choice!

Motus AX allows practitioners to deliver precise and personalized treatments. A consultation with our team can help us develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique skin, hair, and goals. Pursuing laser hair removal with this laser typically requires fewer and shorter treatment options than necessary for other lasers, but a series of treatments is usually needed to achieve and maintain the best results.

What can I expect?
Motus AX is an exciting choice for laser hair removal. This cutting-edge technology allows for rapid but effective treatment sessions. While the length of a session varies based on the treatment area, this unique laser allows for quick treatment of larger areas. With no set downtime associated with this treatment, you could be right back to your busy day before you know it!

The laser hair removal process with Motus AX is performed by continuous motions that allow for gradual heating. For your additional comfort, this technology features a cooling system, ensuring your treatment is comfortable and as painless as possible. This cooling technology also helps reduce any side effects, but the feeling of a mild sunburn may occur.

The unique laser wavelength and treatment application of the Motus AX help create long-lasting results.

However, it is important to have realistic goals for treatment.

Results will vary for each person and treatment area.

Before your first treatment, it’s important to avoid sun exposure. Your skin needs to be its natural skin tone in order to be safely treated, so no tanning or sunless tanner throughout your treatment.

We’ll need you to shave the day of or the day before your first treatment, but waxing and plucking should be avoided. Come in for treatments with clean skin— no makeup, lotion, or perfume.

Your first treatment
Here’s how your first treatment will go:

  • A temporary grid will be drawn on the treatment area to ensure accuracy & coverage.
  • Safety goggles will be provided.
  • Your provider will adjust the laser to the exact specifications.
  • The gel will be applied to the skin
  • The area will be treated according to your specific skin tone, hair type, and area
  • Post-treatment instructions are provided.

Follow-up treatments (2nd – 6th approx.)
You’ll notice you don’t have to shave as often and hair is noticeably visible.

After your first treatment, the laser power will begin to increase with each visit to provide you with the best results possible.

End treatment
Do a dance because you are almost entirely hair-free! Hooray!
You won’t need to come in for regular treatments anymore.

Schedule Your Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of exciting technology like the Motus AX laser, contact us today at Elevate MD.

Call 513-882-7006 or fill out the form below to schedule your treatment!

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